Friday, January 26, 2007

Guitar Hero = Addiction......

Well I finally broke down and bought the new guitar hero II game for my ps2 after months of saying I wouldn't give in.... but after playing it for an entire weekend up in Albany with Tucker I was showing signs of withdrawl after being home only a few short days.... SO....with my latest addiction fulfilled, I feel like a whole new me!!!!...

But, as with everything in life... with every up, comes a few downs.... For instance: now every song I hear on the radio I evaluate as having guitar hero potential..... I pick up my real guitar thinking im going to be amazing at it now that I figured out how to move both hands independently of one another, then realize... I still SUCK!...... My typing abilities have gone down the pooper due to my hands being totally used to pushing 5 color coded buttons and not an entire alphabet worth of letters that are all over the place.... when I look down off the television screen, everything in the room pulses in this weird wavelike fashion... (very strange... I know.....) and last but not least..... I actually know now who sings the song "Psychobilly Freakout"... wtf? lol

So for all you out there reading this.... If you have a PS2... I advise you to go out, spend the $80 bucks and call me when you've beaten the game on easy.... and I will challenge you to a guitar hero duel!! Oh it's soooooo ON!!!!!!!

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