Is it a full moon out there or is it just me?.... So last night a friend of mine was throwing a bonfire... now this is something he usually does about 10 times a year or so, maybe more... As always, I was working till midnight so wasn't able to get out there till about 12:20 or so..... On my way I had to make a quick stop at Mobil to get some gas for the ride out to Bumblefuck, and of course.... BEER!... anyways..... I run in, stand in line behind about 20 teenage hick kids all buying packs of gum and junk food and who ALL needing to be rung up individually (of course!) well after about what seemed like an hour I finally get up to the counter with my 6pack of beer and my ID.... This is where what seemed like the trend of the night began.... The cashier and his buddy were standing there.... the one took my ID... looked at it... looked at me... then said my name.... "Laura?" he asks.... as though it clearly wasn't me on my ID.... "Do I know you?"... I look up at him, did a quick up and down, and with a fairly blank stare I respond with "Ummmm no? Should I?"... (and now keep in mind that the line has been building behind me for quite some time now...) He every so cleverly responds with.... "didn't we go on a date last night?".... I look up with a YOU MUST BE JOKING kinda face and a girlish kinda laugh.. He then took that as a great time to follow up this lame ass pickup line with a... "well would you like to go out on a date? Dead serious".... LAME!!... sorry I then respond with.... "awww, No!" and not even in a nice kind of way.... (yes, I know what your thinking... "wow, what a bitch"... and yes, yes I am...)
Anyways, to make a long story short, his buddy who was standing behind the register as well decides that would be a perfect time for him to chime in with.... "no, she went on a date with me!"... I ever so politely smiled... and preceded to grab my beer, my change, my ID, and my pride and every so cleverly responded with... "oh yeah!...oops! I totally forgot it even happened!... have a lovely evening"..... and walked the fuck out... while the guy behind me just laughed.....
Basically, what I would like to know is... Where the fuck do guys get off thinking that LAME ASS pickuplines still work??...... Like are you kidding me??? Was I supposed to just totally swoon over the fact that not only was I asked out by a fucking gas station worker, but that the lame ass attempt was actually made AT a gas station??!!??! Come on!......
And you all thought that was the end of my story........ ha!
So I go to the party, where I knew my "sorta-ex" (if thats what you want to call him...) Steve was...... well lucky for me, I gave a call to my friend before going and had him mention that I was on my way...... Well, lucky for me, I managed to arrived just after Steve left! (oh how convenient!!! :-) ) and had one of the best nights I have had in a long ass time, despite my back killing me the entire time I was there....
So my friend lives in the freaking STICKS of Hyde Park..... like middle of NOWHERE! and has tons of land, and 3 horses!! So I spend half my night out in the horse paddock with this kid who I had met a few times before, who is totally dressed like one of those "douchebag" (refer to picture on my myspace page posted by the Dutchess of Kickball herself!) kinda outfits... Very trendy kid..pretty HOT....but, totally NOT my type...... anyways... me and Kevin (douchebag dressed kid) go out to play with the horses because he has NEVER seen one up close..... (now keep in mind, it is now 3am.. we have both been drinking.... and were chilling out in the middle of the woods... yeah.... you get the picture.......) well.... after spending an hour in the field just talking, and petting the horses, we decide to head back to the fire..... I turn, start to walk, he grabs my hand, pulls me back, moves in really close, asks my permission to kiss me, then totally does!! WTF?? FULL MOON!? I am telling you!!.... guy's DO NOT! and I repeat! DO NOOOT!! just kiss me......... okay.. .. so as though thats not enough.... he totally wanted my number (which I totally didnt give him... dont worry... ) and would like to hang out again at some point.... WEIRD??? NO! It totally gets even weirder!!!..... so Kevin ends up leaving with our friends he came with.... and Its now about 5:30am....... My friend who is throwing the party asks me to stay cuz hes not tired, and doesnt feel like going to bed .... (nore to do I... cuz i NEVER sleep) and we are the last ones left..... So we head back out to the fire, and sit and talk for about an hour..... when WHAM! out of nowhere he totally juts plants one on me!!! Okay seriously now im just totally thinking im in a dream or something.......
Now my friend and I had an encounter a little over a year ago... and perhaps a few times in between, which had turned into nothing more than a makeout session due to the fact that I am still friends with one of his ex's... and I dont do that shit... But, apparently he still has feelings for me, which I sorta already knew, but he had been dating someone else for the last 8months or so, so his flirting and move making had come to a halt recently..... Understandable... to make a long story short... we kissed... and let me tell you... he is probably the BEST kisser I have ever kissed in my life!.... but I stopped it there... and went home now that it was 6:30 am and the sun was coming up... Which I watched rise during my half an hour ride back home to reality...
So in the end..... I got to play with horses.... Drink beer..... get asked out on a date....... then get asked out on another one...... then have two boys totally kiss me...... I'm sorry, but that shit is wack!!! Strange things happen at night....