Friday, September 01, 2006

This is why I dont do blind dates

Okay.... so I work with a girl, very nice girl, kinda the opposite of me.... lol anyways... she hears of the shit ive been dealing with lately with a certain boy.... (who I'm sure I'll blog about eventually) Well she decides that shes got this friend who is also single who would be PERFECT for me.... (in a "perfect" world.... there would be a "perfect" guy for me..... too bad this isnt a "perfect" world) We'll she arranges a nice little double "date" (if thats what you want to call it) for us to drive all the way the fuck down to Vails Gate (aka- bumblefuck) at 10:00 at night... after I've been working all day, and have to be back at work again at 8:00 the next morning....(horrible timing.. just saying...)
Well, we meet up and drive down there... get there around 10:40 to go play pool (which I suck at).... Well my "HOT DATE" was a little late getting there, but when he did... I was thouroughly dissapointed.... There wasnt an ounce of compatability between the two of us whatesoever!!! He was shorter than me (which is pretty hard to do if your a guy, seeing as I am only 5'7") He was NOT as cute as she made him seem..... actually he was NOT cute at all.... if you looked in the dictionary under cute... it would NOT be a picture of him..... Oh, and not only was he not cute, he dressed like a slob!!.... I mean he saw my myspace profile, and knew what he was getting himself into beforehand, and STILL dressed like a slob..... and I'm talking, pants that could fit like 5 people in them, some ugly ass ratty t-shirt with a picture of handcuffs on it, and vans on his feet..... (not holding anything agains Vans.... but not a first impression you want to make when your 25 years old... just sayin... ) ANYWAYS..... not only that, but the kid doesnt have a real job, never finished school... basically the definition of what I DONT WANT IN A GUY!!! Oh, and he was shyer than me!!!! I'm still not sure if him and I ever said a word to each other the entire night..... and as if that wasnt enough.... my story gets better......
We"ll in order to make the night go a little faster, or for me to just enjoy myself a little more, I decide to go get a beer, which he came to join me on..... Well he buys my $3.00 beer for me, then goes on to show me that hes totally broke, and has $1.00 to his name until tomorrow when he gets paid.....NICE!!!
No, not really.... Soooooo nice me offers to give him money for the beer... he ever so nicely declines to take it!! (damn straight!.. mother fucker didnt even pay for my game of pool which was only $6bucks!!!! ) okay so the date sucked.... the whole time I was thinking about how much more fun I could be having sitting at home picking my nose!!!.....

Moral of my story: Unless you know me, Don't try to date me, and don't try to set me up on a date with any of your single friends..... cuz most likely... they are single for a REASON!!!

1 comment:

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

So I know this guy that would be perfect for you....he's 26, is a school pscyhologist, has his own apartment...oh but he doesn't put out