Saturday, January 05, 2008

After Holiday Assholes!

Okay... so I know I said I was back a few weeks ago, then never actually posted another blog... this is based solely on the fact that I LOVE to procrastinate and that nothing all that exciting happens in my life besides dealing with shitty customers at my shitty ass job! So with that being said... I have decided to blog about the morons that I deal with on a daily basis!

So as everyone knows... I work at the bookstore.... the bookstore full of complete and utter idiots!... One would assume people shopping at a bookstore would be of a higher intellect then those shopping at say.. the mall..... BUT NO!... Lets just stop for a moment and discuss signs... and how to read them.... When a sign says..."20% off Selected Items" that does not include the ENTIRE STORE.... also when a sign says... "Buy 2 DVD's and get 1 FREE" that DOES in fact include all DVD's and NOT fucking CD's!!!! and my personal favorite.... a sign that says "ENTER HERE" (with a big arrow) and one at the other end that says "PLEASE WAIT HERE." Now it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together and enter where it says enter, and wait where it says wait.... but apparently for those shopping at the bookstore the concept of a LINE is soooooooo new that they have yet to learn how to form one! and apparently that makes ME the jerk for asking them to go stand with the other morons who also couldn't read a fucking sign!!! (just because YOU couldn't read the sign... doesn't mean you get to cut the entire line!!!) GRRRRR.... okay MOVING ON...

As the holiday season is coming to a close that means everyone is tired out of being nice for an entire fucking month, and it is now time for the asshole side of them to finally peek its evil head out of hiding... I present to you... THE AFTER HOLIDAY ASSHOLES!!! Okay so as a kid everyone is taught manners... or at least thats what I thought children were taught! Apparently a month of being overly nice to others creates monsters for the rest of the year... that being January through November.... Now During the month of December MOST customers are polite and say "thank you," "Hello," "No thank's," "Yes Please," "I am sorry," and closings such as "have a "nice day' 'Merry Christmas' 'Happy Holiday' or 'Happy Chrismahanzakwanzika."

That ALL comes to an end January 1st.... and when I say "have a nice day," I get NOTHING in response... or I say "how are you?" and I get a phone number yelled in my face to look up their member card. (Note: its not a "Oh! I have your member card but I forgot to bring it" its simply "(845) 485- blah blah blah blah....) which is when I politely, in as sarcastic a way as I can, reply with.... "Oh? I'm sorry does that mean you have our member card? I'm just going to need you to wait a minute while I ring up ALL your shit, punch in about 5 codes to get me to the lookup screen and then enter your FUCKING PHONE NUMBER YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!" (okay okay... well I don't quite say it like that... but something along those lines) I just don't understand these after holiday assholes... if your life is that fucking miserable go to K-Mart or something, cuz I don't want to deal with you anymore!!


Noelle said...

It's because all the intelligent and nice people shop at independent bookstores. And there are a lot of stupid and rude people in this world. Therefore, independents go out of business.

Tinetastic said...

Ahha!!! it does bother you just as much as it bothers me!!! YAY!
