So Sunday morning I wake up, barely able to move any part of my body.... when my mother decided that it would be a great day to go pick out a christmas tree and bring it home.... (mind you, im totally useless because of the pain im in.....) So we go pick up our christmas tree, bring it home, I do my best to help get our endless amounts of Christmas decorations out of hiding, and decide that hanging christmas lights on my house would be the least hazardous project for me to take on since I have a very low hanging roof and its really easy to hook the lights on the nails from last year....Oh boy! was I wrong!!

So we bring the tree in the house, and realize its too tall for my living room and instead of taking the heavy tree (which I couldnt lift) outside, I decide to just saw off about 3 inches of the trunk right there in my living room....... Long story short.... I forgot I moved the marble coffee table to the corner behind where I was sawing, and when I finally managed to get through the trunk I threw my entire body back to crash on the floor from being in soo much pain and having just sawed off the end of the tree, and well...... slammed my head into the marble table, cracking it open and creating a bloddy mess EVERYWHERE!!! (and quite a nice goose egg!!!)
You know how some people are just accident prone????? yeah... well..... I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!......
( but on the plus side..... I did see quite a few stars this weekend!!!)